Our services

The realisation of a fireworks display requires experience and expertise from planning, to the verification of the firing site, to the correct fulfilment of administrative paperwork. A team of technicians and pyrodesigners will follow you carefully at every stage to guarantee you an unforgettable service


Customer request


On-site inspection


Study and design of choreography


Project confirmation and contract signing


Initiation of authorisation procedures with the competent authorities at least 30 days before the event


Management, organisation and set-up of the service by our technicians


Realisation of the Fireworks Display


Clearance of the firing area

Traditional Shows

Traditional Shows are classic fireworks in their purest form.

Pyromusical Shows

The Pyromusical Show combines the interpretation of pyrotechnic art with the melody of music.

Water Shows

Thanks to the use of approved floating pontoons, which can be placed in different locations, it is possible to perform a truly amazing fireworks show on water!

Street Performances and Special Effects

In every space, the magic of fire can be elevated…

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